PADI Dry Suit Diver

PADI Dry Suit Diver

Want to stay warm? Want to extend your scuba diving season? Then dive dry. A dry suit seals you off from the water and keeps you comfortable, even in surprisingly cold water. During winter there is incredible diving in Portofino and in many places around the world, conditions are even better in colder months. Becoming a dry suit diver allows you to expand your boundaries and dive more places, more often.
- Portofinodivers team

PADI Dry Suit Diver courses in Portofino

The first thing you’ll discover is which dry suit style and accompanying undergarments are right for you and the diving you’ll do. Then you’ll learn how to take care of your dry suit. During two dives, in addition to a confined water dive, you’ll practice:

  • Putting on and taking off your dry suit with minimal assistance.
  • Mastering buoyancy control using your dry suit.
  • Dive safety procedures when using a dry suit.

To access our PADI Dry Suit Diver course you must

The first dive of the PADI Dry Suit Diver course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification.


PADI Dry Suit Diver course

The Dry Suit Diver PADI course is held over two days. It includes approximately 10 hours of instruction divided as follows:

  • Knowledge Development
    Day 1 09:00 - 12:00
    Your instructor introduces you to dry suit features and basic procedures for easy and safe use

  • Confined Water Dive
    Day 1 13:00 - 16:00
    Two training dives from shore

  • Open Water Dives
    Day 2 09:30 - 12:30
    One experience dive from the boat
bare drysuits

The drysuits used and sold in our center are represented by the brand's latest generation models BARE®.

While the elasticity of wet suits allows to fit a wide range of people in one size, dry suits must fit perfectly, to ensure optimal watertightness, to allow adequate comfort and proper mobility.

To prevent undesirable experiences, before scheduling a drysuit test or a full training course, you need to make sure that drysuits in your size are available, the same goes for the undersuit. We invite you to download the measurements instructions sheet and our drysuit measurements form to fill out and send by email

Special deals for those who wish to purchase a new drysuit in combination with the training course.

Rates per person

Instruction, shore and boat dives, tanks and weights, training material and certification fee

Discover Drysuit Diving
one training dive

90 *
* one-to-one training € 140

  • half-day
Contact us

certification course

390 *
* one-to-one course € 490

  • 2 days
Book now

PADI Dry Suit Diver classes are carried out on request. However it is possible to participate in our scheduled courses by reserving your place through our online booking system.

Check our upcoming courses calendar

scheduled classes
BARE drysuits authorized dealer and test center
Click on the image to learn more about drysuit diving