Scheduled dives

Reef Restoration Project Portofino

19. April 2018–20. April 2018

Immersioni scientifiche a Portofino

The EU project “Marine Ecosystem Restoration in changing European Seas” (MERCES) is very ambitious, having as main objectives:

i) the test of new and existing restoration practices/protocols and tools on different marine ecosystems and habitats,

ii) provide best practice protocols and new policy guidelines, and

iii) advise on practical steps for administrations, private and public stakeholders in marine restoration. The Polytechnic University of Marche (Ancona, Italy) is coordinating the 28 partners of the project (

At Portofino Promontory there is one of the most important population of Corallium rubrum of the Mediterranean Sea. In the past, this species has been strongly impacted by harvesting and nowadays, thanks to presence of the Marine Protected Area (MPA), the population is recovering very fast. Anyway only in shallow population the increase of the density and the size of colonies is occurring. Deep population are no more present or with few and scattered colonies.

MERCES will restore deep populations. To accomplish this goal, a group of GUE divers, leaded by Prof. Carlo Cerrano, have experienced over the years different breeding techniques (

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Location: Santa Margherita Ligure

Custom dive boat

Join our exclusive dive trips to the Portofino marine park and wrecks off the Ligurian Eastern Coast.
We dive all year-round.
- Portofinodivers team

From May through October

Our boat leaves the dock twice a day to dive the Portofino marine park and wrecks off the Ligurian Eastern Coast.

Each dive trip takes approximately 4 hours, including two dives:

  • 9:00am - 1:00pm
    2-Tanks Morning Dive
  • 2:00pm - 6:00pm
    2-Tanks Afternoon Dive

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From November through April

Our boat leaves the dock twice a day to dive the Portofino marine park and wrecks off the Ligurian Eastern Coast.

Each dive trip takes approximately 2 hours:

  • 9:30am - 11:30am
    Morning Dive
  • 2:00pm - 4:00pm
    Afternoon Dive

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Feel free to contact us to schedule your favorite dive sites and for any particular request

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wreck diving tours, technical dives, night dives, scientific dives and project dives