WW Booking Form

Sign up for a Wreck Week

Training organization, level, year of issue
(example : GUE, Tech1, 2012)

scheduled weeks*

NOTE: Custom dates are available on request for groups of minimum 6 divers.

Diver Category*

Personal information Collections and Privacy Policy Statement

Information collected will only be used for the purpose of processing booking or general enquires related to PORTOFINO DIVERS, and will be treated in confidence and not be disclosed to any other party.
PORTOFINO DIVERS pledges to meet fully, and where possible, exceed internationally recognized standards of personal data privacy protection, in complying with the requirements of the European Personal Data Ordinance (D.lgs. 196 del 30 giugno 2003). In doing so, we will ensure compliance by our staff with the strictest standards of security and confidentiality. If you wish to access, delete or correct your personal data and if you have any queries about our Privacy Policy and Practices, please send e-mail to our Communications Manager at info@portofinodivers.com

Quick contact

Bruno Borelli

Mobile: +39 348 1508600
Dive shop: +39 0185 280791

E-Mail: info@portofinodivers.com